Tot 1.2.1 All: • Dot defragger: compacts dots to keep things clean and organized: - Cleans up dots by moving full ones to the left and empty ones to the right - iOS: Use “Compact Dots” in share sheet (or tap & hold on share icon) - macOS: Use Window > Compact Dots… (or ⇧⌘D) • AutoList will only remove bullets if they are in the middle of a list [Thanks Ian!] • Fixed check for 100,000 characters: deleting text no longer triggers the alert • If the first paragraph of a dot is mostly Arabic or Hebrew, the text will automatically switch to using a Right-to-Left writing direction [Thanks Ezra!] • In plain text, ⌘B and ⌘I inserts a single Markdown character without a selection (this previously only worked with selected text) macOS: • New symbol picker added to status bar: - Click on the asterisk to get a popover with symbols - Pick a bullet to start a new list, Emoji to add status, or any other symbol - A quick alternative to ⌃⌘Spacebar iOS: • Fixed sample text at first launch