Tot 1.0.2 macOS: • AutoList™: lines with leading tabs or a symbol and a space are automatically replicated to make maintaining lists easier. [Yay Ben!] • Cmd-S no longer beeps when saving text, immediately syncs instead. [Yay Nick!] • New “Extra Extra Large” font size setting. [Yay Justin!] • Added check for plain text mode to prevent issues with style attributes in fonts like Fira Code. [Yay Jed!] • Added a new Window > Column Layout option to set column width (wide, narrow or full) for wider windows [Yay Ben!] • Spelling, grammar, and substitution settings are now synced for each dot. Use Edit or the contextual menu within a dot to turn on spell check or turn off substitutions. [Yay Andre!] iOS: • AutoList™: lines with leading tabs or a symbol and a space are automatically replicated to make maintaining lists easier. [Yay Ben!] • Sharing now uses text from dot, not a file. To save a file, long-press on the share icon. • Added Cmd-0 and Cmd-1-7 support to iPadOS • Clear All no longer adds stuff to the clipboard unexpectedly